- Poor quality coating;
- Environmental properties to different pipes, it is easy to form oxygen concentration cell, so parts of oil pipe lines section easily appears localized corrosion;
- Mending anticorrosion layer failure directly impact antiseptic quality;
- Poor anticorrosion materials;
- Cathodic protection ratio is less than 100%. The proportion of accidents is caused by violation of rules for the third place.

Oil line pipe external damage is mainly referred to the role of external forces to make pipeline or equipment damage. Such incidents are accounted for 8.3% of the total number of accidents. Why? The reason is following:
- The nature force interfere the oil pipeline deformation or fracture;
- Pipeline workers’ behavior makes pipe line or equipment damage;
- Non-pipeline workers also are easy to make damage for pipe line or equipment; Oil pipelines are always multi-line long and buried in the ground, if the problem is not the quality but construction, it will leave hidden trouble in the future for pipeline accidents. A long-distance oil pipeline leak detection and repair are much more difficult and expensive, so that the high quality construction is the key to make sure the safe operation of oil pipeline.
- Nozzle welding quality problems;
- The trenching, down pipe and backfilling are necessary procedures in the construction, if these procedures are not strictly in accordance with the pipe coating before the pipelines are destroyed. For instance, 15 accidents are caused by pipeline quality, 10 cases are caused by spiral weld cracking; only one case is caused leakage defect.
While in China, the manufacturing in oil pipelines is mostly SSAW steel pipe and spiral pipe joints with their little bit, sometimes it has stress concentration in weld length. And weld defects are easy to cause pipeline accident and higher than the probability of straight pipe joints. Even if the straight seam steel pipe, if weld inspection failed, will cause accidents. Henan Anson Steel Co., Ltd owns strict manufacturing line and inspection system to guarantee oil pipeline quality for each customer. Meanwhile we have professional quality control inspection center to make every pipe healthy and good appearance. Choose Anson Steel is your best choice for your not oil pipeline project but steel products business.